On day 21 of our itinerary that covers the whole of the Lycian Way, you’ll come across the fantastic ruins at Olympus (or Olympos).
Olympus was a city in ancient Lycia, in the Antalya province. It is one of three ancient sites that form the Olympos Beydaglari National Park.
The city dates from the Hellenistic period. It was one of the six largest cities with voting power in the Lycian League, known as the first democratic union in history.
The city was situated by a river allowing larger boats to travel inland from the nearby coastline.
Even now there are enough ruins left to give the impression of great power and importance during the years the city thrived.
It is definitely worth an hour or two of your time.
Chimaera Flames
Of course, any google search of Olympus will probably throw up results for the Chimaera Flames close to the nearby village of Çıralı.
Legend has it that the mythical hero Bellerophon supposedly killed the Chimaera monster. He mounted the winged horse Pegasus and pouring molten lead into the monster’s mouth.
Today gas still leaks from the earth creating the flames that ignite once it reaches air.
Although the flames are worth a visit at any time of day, going after dark will allow you to see more flames and soak up the atmosphere. Obviously you’ll need a torch and a sturdy pair of shoes! You can also purchase marshmallows to roast over the flames should you get a bit peckish.